V. Creating your own Hand Ranking |
You can only create your own ranges with the Bronze level.
Bronze level version looks like this:
Fig. 5-1 Main window
In the Tree window we can see the tree of ranges. The standard Equilab range is available by default. Now it’s time to create your own range. A range is a range of hands where each combination has its own probability.
Let’s create a MySpectr range using the mode create button as shown below.
Fig. 5-2 Creation own ranges MySpectr
Right-click the used-defined ranges button in the tree window on the left. Then click Create Folder. In the new windows type MySpectr and click OK. Now we can see the new MySpectr range available in the tree pane. Now we see a matrix of pocket hands, where we can pick hands from our 5% range.
Fig. 5-3 5% top range for MySpectr
Right click MySpectr and then click Save hand range as … In the following range we see 5.08, now change it to 5%. 5.08 is the exact percentage but for simplicity’s sake we are going to call it 5%, the range itself will store the exact value. You can pick any name that you like.
Repeat the above process once again with more cards, then save the range named as 12%.
Fig. 5-4 Add 12% range for MySpectr
The more ranges we create the better. For the demo purpose, three ranges is enough. Now let’s close the program and have a look at the program directory. All the ranges are available in the Range.xml file, which is editable in any xml-editor. You can open these ranges in CombCalc6Plus later.
Fig. 5-5 Full range from 3 ranges
When we start the program next time it might take extra time to interpolate and extrapolate the ranges. The program is calculating all starting ranges from 0% to 5% - extrapolation. Then all the ranges inbetween (interpolation), then it is going to extrapolate more ranges till the 24% range as we specified before. For example we can subtract the 5% range from the 12% range, the remaining hands are ranked by strength and added to the intermediary ranges between 5% and 12%. The program is of course using the exact ranges from the range files.
The first hand is AA, then all other hands from the 5% range are ranked and added to the intermediary ranges. The last step is to subtract the 24% from the overall matrix and then adding the hands to the range. Now you can use the sliders to adjust the range accordingly same as the built in range.. You can add an additional number e.g. 20. All operation are the same as with the build in range - just click on the right of the Op1, Op2 etc. The right most button signifies a random hand or the full matrix:
If you wish, you can use the files with ranked hands like we do in the Omaha program. We used the pre-ranked files for Omaha, however these files don’t exist for the holdem Six Plus.