VII. Preflop trainer for Omaha 5 cards7.1 Preparing for work |
The preflop trainer (preflop solver) is a part of the ForgeEV program that allows a 5 card Omaha player to understand how he should enter the game or fold hole cards. When you start the program, the PLO5 preflop trainer category will appear on the right side of the ribbon, which will be inactive.
Fig.7-1-1 Program start window
To activate it, click on the Registration menu at the top, and then select RequestLicense in the ribbon section that appears
Fig. 7-1-2 Request a license for a simulator
The program itself is currently free and comes with a Gold level license by default. However, for the trainer you need to request a 2-week trial license of the Platinum level.
Fig.7-1-3 Platinum level license generation dialog
In the Name field, you need to fill your name (any), then enter the correct email address and license level. The Affiliate code field does not need to be filled in if you do not have this code. Then click the Create Request File button, as a result of which the RequestLicenseForForgeEVToNik.bin file will be generated in the same folder where the ForgeEV program itself is located.
You need to send this file to
In response to this mail, the LicenseForgeEV.lic file will be sent, which must be placed in the folder with the ForgeEV program. After starting the program to work with the simulator, select Settings 5-Card Omaha Hi in the menu
Fig. 7-1-4 Choosing 5 Card Omaha
After that, you need to return to the Home menu, and the Start button will be active in the PLO5 preflop trainer category.
Fig. 7-1-5 The trainer is ready for use
7.2 The trainer options
The simulator has three different work options: Learn (learning), Train (training), Test (testing). Everything is considered for 6-max tables.
In Learn mode, the player sets the situation, for example, Raise first with UTG (MP2) or BTN against MP (MP3). The player then enters the cards and sees what the trainer recommends.
In Train mode, the player also sets the situation, but now he is given a random hand, and is prompted to choose the correct action: Raise, Call or Fold. Previously, the player sets the number of hands to train, for example, 20. After 20 hands, the program writes the percentage of the player's correct actions.
In Test mode, a screenshot of the table appears in front of the player, and he has to choose the correct action for the player whose move it is now. After the specified number of hands has elapsed, the final result is displayed.
Now let's look at each option in detail.
7.3 Learn Mode
This is the very first mode, from which we recommend starting the study of the simulator and the actual game on the preflop. Let's start by learning how to play UTG (MP2). On the ribbon, the Table View option should be selected. Let's select the position MP2. Right click on MP2 and install Set Hero.
The result is shown in the following figure
Fig. 7-3-1 Positioning the Hero
After that, you need to click the Start button in the PLO5 preflop trainer category. The program will load the necessary files in a few seconds and all three Learn, Train and Test buttons will become active. In the Hero category, select "cards" and enter the cards of our hand that we want to see. Let's enter, for example, the hand Ac7cKd7d5s as in the following figure
Fig. 7-3-2 Hand entry Ac7cKd7d5s
After that, click Learn, and a window with the correct action appears on the screen
Fig. 7-3-3 Hand Ac7cKd7d5s simulator recommends raising
After clicking OK, the PreflopTrainer program window will appear with the results, which can be dragged with the mouse to the desired location
Fig. 7-3-4 Final Window with Ac7cKd7d5s
In this window, you can immediately click Settings, select Count of rounds from the drop-down list and set the number of training hands for the Train and Test modes. You can then enter a new hand and press Learn again. Thus, you can see the recommendations of the simulator for a variety of hands.
To move to another position, select it on the tree, select cards and click Learn again. The Start button does not need to be pressed anymore, it is pressed only once to prepare the simulator for work. The result is shown in the following figure
Fig. 7-3-5 Summary window with different hands
Note that after entering 4 hands from the UTG position, without changing the cards, we changed the position of the hero to BTN. The resulting window can be cleared by clicking Settings and then Clear. With Colors you can choose different colors for this window.
7.4 Training mode
For the training mode, you need to set the number of starting hands in the PreflopTrainer program, if this is not already done. The default is 10 starting hands.
We enter the position of the hero if we train Raise first and we also enter the opponent's position if we train the answer to the opponent's raise.
Let's say we're practicing position on the button against a cut-off raise. Then we set the positions in the tree as follows
Fig. 7-4-1 Hero on the button vs. opponent's raise on the cutoff
Then click Start on the ribbon if the Train button is not active. Then we press Train, and the training begins. The program will select a random hand and prompt you to choose one of the actions: Fold, Call or Raise.
Fig. 7-4-2 Select actions
Let's say Raise is selected. Then the result will be displayed in the Preflop Trainer Report window, then a new hand and an action selection dialog will appear. This will continue until 10 hands have been selected (how many were selected in the Preflop Trainer).
After answering all 10 hands, the following result will appear in the totals window
Fig. 7-4-3 Summary of the workout
We see that 8 actions were correct, and 2 were wrong. They are highlighted in red. Note that the workout can be interrupted at any time by clicking Finish in the selection window. You can then clear the summary window by clicking Settings->Clear. You don't have to clear the summary window. Then you can click Train or Learn again.
7.5 Test mode
Test mode is available immediately after starting the program
Fig. 7-5-1 The Test button is available after launch
Screenshots from real game clients will be offered for testing. The player needs to recognize the situation and choose the right action. All screenshots are located in the TrainerScreenshots folder and are divided into subfolders there to make it easier for the player to add their own screenshots
Fig. 7-5-2 Folders with screenshots supplied with the program
Later it will be described how to add your own folders and screenshots. The meaning of the folders is clear from their names. For example, MP contains screenshots of an Open Raise situation for MP, BBvsCO contains screenshots of a situation where hero is in the BB and the CO raised.
After clicking the Test button, the Preflop Trainer program will start and you will be prompted to select a folder for testing
Fig. 7-5-3 Running Preflop Trainer in test mode
The window above reminds you that of the folders shown in Fig. 7-5-3, you need to select several folders (one can be) for testing. The number of screenshots is selected in the same way as for the training mode. You also need to select the TrainerScreenshots folder once with
File->Choose main directory
Folders for testing (at least one) are selected using File-> Choose directories
Fig. 7-5-4 Selecting late positions for open raise testing
Then a window will appear confirming the selected folders
Fig. 7-5-5 Window with confirmation of selected folders
After that, press the Test button again, as in Fig. 7-5-1. The program will select a random screenshot from the selected folders and prompt you to choose an action
Fig. 7-5-6 Choice of action
After selecting an action, a new screenshot will appear, and so on. At the end of the test, a window with the results will appear
Fig. 7-5-7 Test results
In conclusion, we will show how you can add screenshots yourself. Suppose there is a situation in the game that we would like to see in the simulator. We wait for the hero's turn and take a screenshot. Then, after the session, we launch ForgeEV, determine the situation and look at the correct action in the Learn mode.
Let's say we have a BBvsSB situation and the correct call action. We see that the folder is empty, so we put our screenshot in this folder and name it BBvsSB -C-1.png. If your correct action is a raise, then we call BBvsSB -R-1.png, if it's a fold, then BBvsSB -F-1.png. the next screenshot with the call action is called BBvsSB -C-2.png and so on.
After some time, the player can accumulate a sufficient number of situations. Note that not for every situation the simulator can determine the correct action. For example, if there was a raise and a call before you, then the simulator will not determine the correct action. This is due to the fact that limps are not included in the optimal strategy. Also, if there was a raise and a reraise before the player, then such situations are also not considered in this simulator.
Nevertheless, we believe that even in this version, the simulator can be very useful for five-card Omaha players.