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Program for Deal Hands Count

MiniPokerHandTimer - Program for Deal Hands Count

It is a little program for counting deal hands in playing session. It allows you not to look at Holdem Manager every time you need to check deal hands, still controlling how many hands you dealt.
Software prerequisites:

Program looks like this just after the start (Pic. 1):

Pic. 1 Initial view

Interface is very simple:

  • Big figures – the count of deal hands;
  • Smaller figures on the top – hours and minutes from session start;
  • Run/stop timer button (disabled by default since you need set the parameters first);
  • Alarm indicator (initially it is hidden since it is not set up yet).

Context menu is activated by right button mouse click in any place of window (Pic. 2):

Pic. 2 Context menu


Menu has 3 items:

  • Settings;
  • Exit;
  • About…

Settings (Pic. 3):

Pic. 3 Settings window with default parameters

Settings window consists of 4 parts:

Database – Settings for database connection:

  • Data source – statistical program database to use this program (HoldemManager1, HoldemManager2 или PokerTracker 4);
  • Server IP – IP-address data base server (localhost by default);
  • DB name – HoldemManager data base name (HoldemManager2 by default);
  • Password – data base password (postgrespass by default).

Player – player`s account:

  • Room – poker room for current session;
  • Nickname – your login.

Appearance – view options:

  • Background – background color for window;
  • Text – text color for digits.

Alarm – alarm options:

  • Alarm – Check this box to enable the alarm. Alarm indicator will appear on the top left corner of the main window (Pic. 7) ;
  • Hands – the number of hands for the alarm;
  • Sound file – file name (or full path, if the file is not in the same directory as executable file of the program) for sound alarm (only *.wav files); if this field is empty, then default sound alarm will be used and you can listen to it by pressing button.

To save the options press the OK button (Pic. 4):

Pic. 4 User settings



If you enter wrong values in DB name or DB password, the program will inform you about it (Pic. 5):

Pic. 5 Error DB message

If the program finds discrepancy in your credentials, you will see the next message box (Pic. 6):

Pic. 6 Error in poker room data

If all is OK, then settings window will be closed. Main window will change its appearance in accordance to the settings (Pic. 7):

Pic. 7 Window with user settings

You can now press alarm button and the session will start. Alarm button changes its shape from triangle (run button) to square (stop button) and pause button will appear (Pic. 8):

A)       B)       
Pic. 8 A) Session start, B) Pause button is pressed

Pause time is not playing time. It is a good time for coffee break! You will see the count of deal hands played and the timer will be not stopped. To stop the timer you need to press the stop button. The count will be reset to zero and you can start the timer again.