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Program for equity and EV calculation, which help you to accept the wise preflop decisions playing in cash Texas Hold'em - Short deck.

EquityCalc - Equity Calculator in Online Poker

I. General Description

We would like to present EquityCalc program, which would help you to make wise preflop decisions. The article covers No-Limit Texas Hold'em. Let`s have a look at the following example. It is quite obvious that with a pocket pair of aces or 72о you would play good with no computer aid. In the former case you will raise constantly and want to go all-in, while in the latter case you will quietly fold. It is interesting to consider some pair of cards with medium strength.

Let us suppose you play NL10. Your pocket cards are AcJd. Your position is button. Everyone have folded except Villain who makes a raise of 3BB (big blinds) or 30. We use well-known statistical program, for example Holdem Manager 2 (HM2). We see that Villain PFR range is equal 10%. Our equity against this range equals is about 44%. That value is displayed in EquityCalс program. This gives us some information for decision making. However, we can continue and see what is going to happen if we call 30 into pot (which is now 45). Players in blind positions are expected to fold. In this case, the program gives us the expected payoff of the call: EVcall = 45*0.44 – 30*0.56 = 3 > 0 meaning that the call is beneficial.

Let`s see what is going to happen if we make 3bet of 10 BB or 100. Let`s assume that Villain has fold to 3bet 60% and he makes 4bet in 10% cases. So he is going to call in 30% of cases. We will fold if Villain makes 4bet. This is now EquityCalс calculates Villain`s call range: First, the program subtracts 60% of the worst hands from full 10% range, as Villain most certainly will fold with a bad hand. This gives us the final range of 4%. But in 10% of his best hands from 10% PFR range Villain makes 4bet. Therefore Villain`s call range against our 3bet is from 1% to 4%. The equity of 33% for this range is calculated. All these calculations are given as an example of the logic used by the program. The program calculates expected value of the bet

EVbet = 45*0.6 – 100*0.1 + 0.3*(115*0.33 – 100*0.67) = 9 > EVcall > 0.

The result is higher this time hence 3bet is more profitable than call.

Please note that the program can calculate all-in EV. In this case we enter the information as usually, considering that 4bet range of Villain = 0. Actually it is impossible to make a raise against all-in, only you can play call. In Chapter III we learn calculation all-in profit.


II. Program Registration and the Basics

The data source for the program is the statistical data from Holdem Manager 1 or 2, Poker Tracker 4 or other statistical programs. If you are using the program to learn how to play, you don’t need these programs.

The program is free for base level. For more advanced levels the program is commercial.

Software prerequisites:


  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable (
  • Holdem Manager (1 or 2) or PokerTracker 4


Run the program. The program will look like this straight after the start.


Fig. 2-1 Initial view


Press this button on the right and the dialog pops up as on Fig.2-2


Fig. 2-2 License Request Dialog


Your license policy in the drop box at the bottom of the window is Gold.

  Level Price

Base free
Gold $5



Press “Create Request File” button once you have selected the license level and have proceeded with payment. The request license file will be created, then you need to send this file as an attachment in an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You will receive the file LicenseForEquityCalc.lic in return. Please copy the new file to the installation folder (where the file EquityCalc.exe is located).

Once you have a license, the button disappears.


Fig. 2-3 Program appearance with Gold license


Let`s have a look at the above example. In first make deal our hole cards


Fig. 2-4 Hole cards input


First, you need to enter data into Action Opp. You can enter a number in % format (10% or 12.2%) or the card combination, for instance, 99+ or AQ+. For this demonstration, the numbers will be used.

Enter 10% into Action Opp field and press the arrow button. You can see result on fig. 2-5


Fig.2-5 Result for Equity


Now enter Pot Size of 15 and Bet Size Opp of 30. Then press the EV Call arrow button.


Fig.2-6 Result for EV Call


Let us analyze the bet. We enter 60 into Fold, 10 into Reraise and 100 into Bet Size Hero. Then press the EV arrow button.


Fig.2-7 Results for EV bet


In the current situation, a bet is more profitable than a call.

In the next chapter we`ll have a look at “All-in” option.


III. Push Equity Analysis

Let us consider the following example. All the calculations are done in big blinds. Suppose we have АcКd as pocket cards and a stack of 100 big blinds (BB); opponent`s stack has the same size of 100 BB. Opponent Villain makes a raise of 3 BB. We are positioned after him and make reraise of 10 BB. Everyone fold, and Villain makes a 4bet of 25 BB. We may think about all-in. So, we need to see Villain 4bet range. But unfortunately, we do not have the statistics. Therefore we make a reasonable suggestion and learn how we can work with text forms rather than range percents. We suppose Villain plays 4bet with cards such as 99+ or AQ+. We enter this text range to Action Opp field. This is why this field is wider than the others. We press Equity and calculate our equity against this range. Then enter Pot Size before opponent action 14.5 BB and BetSize Opp 25. We press EV Call and see call is not profitable. But let us consider push option. Check All-in. As result the program window changes a little in it bottom part.


Fig.3-1 All-in window


Fold and Reraise fields disappear, while the new field Call appears. Is it clear if we go all-in, then reraise is not possible. We enter opponent call range in Call field. Suppose that Villain will call only with very strong hands like QQ+ or AK. The program will find out share of this range from initial 4bet range 99+, AQ+, then the program calculates fold-equity and uses this value for EV calculation.

We have 90 BB in our stack and we enter this integer to Bet Size Hero. All the information is entered, now press EV. You can see results in fig.3-2.


Fig.3-2 Results for EV all-in


So, the push is profitable.


IV. Using Program in Real Online Game

Online players are interested in programs for playing on the online tables. It is clear that in practice it is not efficient to enter a lot of information about the current game. Now the developers of the program are analyzing the possibility of reading information from online poker clients.

For now, you can use this program for fast estimation your chances the following way. Let us assume you have KsQs. You can enter your hand fast while your opponents are thinking


Fig.4-1 Hole cards enter


So opponent with PFR range = 20% raises. You, again before your move, enter 20% in field ActionOpp and press Equity


Fig.4-2 Results for Equity on PFR


We see that our equity is greater than 50%. Let us suppose that tight players seat after you who will fold to your 3bet. And raiser has any fold-equity against 3bet also. Therefore we make 3bet. Everyone else folds. If opponent makes 4bet, we will enter his 4bet range in ActionOpp and calculate our new equity as on fig. 4-3


Fig.4-3 Results for Equity against 4bet


We see that fold is the most reasonable action. But, if opponent calls, then we watch on the flop, for example Js,9s,Ad. In this case we can enter flop cards fast and opponent call range against 3bet, for example 8%. Learn our chance


Fig.4-4 Results on the flop


Now, if opponent checks, we can make bet of standard size ¾ of bank. But playing on flop and so on - that's another story. In any case, program is very useful for preflop game. The last word always rests with the player. Take into account all the nuances can only human brain. Feel you free to contact us if you have any questions or comments. Our support email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..